I’m Dr. Fabry, and I’m here to help you lose weight for surgery so that you can have the best outcome possible.  Whether it’s to get out of pain, improve your function or for cosmetic reasons losing weight and having this surgery is important to you.  I’m here to help in a way that is healthy, fun and lifelong.

Since 2006 I’ve helped thousands of people to lose weight and feel better.  There’re definitely a few common denominators, but the trick to uncomplicating healthy living and losing weight is by focusing in on you.  This page is aimed at setting you up for success.  I’ve outlined key items that will quickly catch you up with what you need to know.


Here’s my definition

There are a lot of definitions and opinions when it comes to losing weight and living healthy.  I am aware of the traditional methods such as starvation, high-intensity warrior workouts and fad diets.  I’m sure you’ve tried your hand and a few of these, and maybe even lost a little weight in the process.  But this website is not about suffering to lose weight that you’re going to gain back again before the end of the year.  That is not my definition of success!

In my experience, the best form of successful weight loss, and what we focus on here at drjfab, is the following:

I understand that it is a struggle to lose weight and live healthy, especially in the midst of much confusing and contradictory information.  So, I teach people simple steps to identify and prioritize the things that will have the biggest impact on accomplishing their individual health goal.  That way you will lose weight in a way that is healthy, fun and most importantly, lifelong.

In other words, everyone doesn’t fit into the same box.

Instead, we can uncomplicate this by focusing in on YOU.  If we do that, you’re going to lose weight, but that isn’t what’s important.  What’s so much better is that when you apply a few simple principles you will know HOW you lost the weight…and HOW to keep it off.

Not only will you decrease unnecessary risk factors during surgery, but you will have more energy to enjoy your family all the while improving your quality of life by also reducing risk factors for other things like diabetes and heart disease.

When I was faced with my own health challenges it only took me 6 weeks to get my blood work numbers back to normal and by 6 months I was down 63 pounds!  I realized 2 things:

  • I have a lot more control over this than I thought
  • In only about 2 weeks I was able to dramatically change my health and start feeling better.


The checklist that set me up for success

When I first started, I was fortunate to have good mentors who had been there before me.  I assembled a list of some of the items that I found most helpful/necessary.  I am busy with family, work, hobbies and I needed to make sure I was being efficient.  Click the link below to look it over.  See what works for you and then make your own list because that’s what this is all about…finding what works best for you!



Thank you for being here

I am not just another guru.  I am simply someone who has been there.  Someone who has seen how much of a life-changing impact a few simple changes and a little consistency can have.  I don’t know everything and I will never stop learning.

We are in this together.  I want to hear your stories.  I want to know how we can support each other, how we can learn and grow together.

If you’re here right now, reading this, then you’ve taken the first step.  We can do this.  You can do this.  Don’t dig up in doubt what you’ve planted in faith.  Set your stake in the ground and let today be the first day of the rest of your life.