Losing weight for surgery might seem impossible at first. There is one thing you can do right now to improve your chances for losing weight and feeling better like never before. And it requires little to no effort or exercise.
That first step always seems to be the hardest. You have to ask yourself if it’s really worth it. You have tried and failed so many times before. What makes this time different?
How do I know that I’m doing it right? You’re working against the clock, in worse shape than ever and it seems like your whole life depends on you getting this right…and it does. So, let’s think about this from a refreshed perspective.
The power of The Greatest Show on Earth
I was watching The Greatest Showman with my wife. A fan of musicals I am not, but regardless I saw an amazing illustration unfold in that story. There is a scene in the film where a poor young boy begins to dream about his future. He fills in every vivid detail from the clothes he’d wear, the house
Mindset is the first most important step when it comes to starting towards a goal. Mindset is the breath that gives life to your goal. Mindset is the difference between a goal that thrives and a goal that shrivels up and dies (like so many of our New Year’s resolutions). Ask yourself, if the young boy in the movie did not have that dream would he have ever become that man? Would there even be a story worth telling?
This isn’t mind-over-matter mumbo jumbo
Please don’t misunderstand. The kid in the story didn’t get where he was going just by daydreaming! It was an
The New Year’s resolution that’s NOT hazardous to your health
Take that first step. Put yourself there in your mind. Who do you want to be? How much does that person weigh? What size pants do they wear? How do they feel in the morning or after work? What are their hobbies? What kind of food do they like to snack on? Write it down. Get specific. Get personal. Compare the future you with who you are now. Then bridge the gap. When faced with a challenge ask yourself, “What would my future self do in this situation?” Then make that decision and you will have acquired a mindset that can crush your goals (in a good way) and possibly even change the world.
Question: When you think about your future self what’s more motivating; physical appearance or improving your health (e.g. lowering your risk for heart disease/diabetes)? You can leave a comment by clicking here.
Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.